Excellent! (Click for link to Cartoons by Jim.)

Excellent! (Click for link to Cartoons by Jim.)

Someone called me a troll yesterday.

Well, he worked up to it. First I was said to “have clear troll like tendencies”, then later, as we discussed my criticisms of how he operates some more, out it came: “You are a troll”.

Mm-bokay. (Suffice to say, that’s not how I see what I do.)

Which reminded me I’d seen this cartoon by Jim satirising troll-speak as part of a promotion for an Auckland Social Media Club event “When Communities Go Bad”

Join us for a journey into the dark side of social media as we take a look at how community managers and moderators deal with trolling, anonymous commenting and just general nasty stuff in the online world.

Our panel will feature expert guests from online news sources, major commercial Facebook communities and more, all sharing their war stories and tips on what to do when you find a troll under the bridge.

Roll in our now-regular Shiny New Thing segment and generously sponsored refreshments and, as always, you’re sure to “drink something cold, meet someone new and learn something useful!”

Panellists will share their war stories and insights into what works when the hecklers get hairy: …
Full details here

Honestly, they had me at ‘free beer’ (kidding!)

But it was funny, when I signed up to go, to get this:

Pretty low threshold for proving my existence. Whatever happened to "I think. Therefore I am?"

Pretty low threshold for proving my existence. Whatever happened to “I think. Therefore I am?”

See you there, perhaps?

– P

PS: Considering my condemner is responsible for some of the “general nasty stuff in the online world” (at least locally) we may run into each other again.