from Liberty - published by Ubuntu (click to enlarge)

I’m reading a book of John F. Kennedy quotes with a foreword by Desmond Tutu and good biographical introduction which touches on Kennedy’s life.

It highlights how his struggles with health and his father’s ambition were part of what led to his aspirational speeches and his call to work for ‘peace’ with ‘courage’ — real encouragement. It’s very good.
This page (right) popped out, last night.

Other big hits for me were:

Too often… we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought


We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda;
it is a form of truth.

Look, even if these were penned by bright speechmakers, it’s brilliant that he spoke them out.

Also of note is that, in his own terms, he didn’t go into ‘politics’ he pursued ‘public service’ — often siding with the underprivileged in his society. I don’t care about the Kennedy bashers, I’m still inspired by him.