If you’re a blogger, or interested, it’s worth reading this erudite guy’s thoughts … One of the things I like about John Gruber is his economy of language (‘not a single wasted word’) as I pointed out in my post last year Inspiring clarity of purpose from John Gruber.

Mark Webster interviewed John Gruber for the NZ Herald:
An interview with the Daring Fireball

As a long-time Apple user (fanboy? who, me?) I appreciate his sense of history and the evolutionary road the company and the gear has been through. Nothing’s perfect but I like the way he says:

“I’ve always been drawn to their computers but again – and I can only speak from my own personality; it just makes sense this way: I feel that people who don’t get it, who aren’t huge fans of Apple stuff, see people as ‘Apple fans’, but I just see it as ‘fans of a certain kind of attention to detail‘.

Yeah, it’s that, and an aesthetic, a certain tastefulness. MS has no taste.